Sunday, April 8, 2012

Adaptation Sentence

Original Sentence: He was digging father than he had the night before.

Adaptation Sentence:  In the dim light of the moon, a scruffly and fatigued John dug deeper and farther in the soft fragile Earth than he had ever done before, for the sole purpose of hiding the atrocity he created.
  • Setting: Moonlight, vegetation and tall green trees all around him, soft soil, dim and foggy night, eerie tone, the bugs chirping 
  • Person: John- tired, scruffly, slight beard, clothes dirty and unkempt, sweaty, panicked
  • Action: literally digging frantically, trying to hide his "creation" (Frankenstein-esque)

1 comment:

  1. I like the descriptions. You give good guide lines to what you want the imagery to look like, but it lets us fill in the blanks with our imaginations :3
